NYC Japanese #2 – Japan Day NYC! ジャパンデイ AKB48

皆さん、久しぶりです。また、NYC の関してブーログ投稿します。





平田 梨奈 Hirata Rina

大島 涼花 Ōshima Ryōka

小嶋 陽菜 Kojima Haruna

武藤 十夢 Mutō Tomu

岩立 沙穂 Iwatate Saho

野澤 玲奈 Nozawa Rena

There was Japan Day NYC on May 10th, 2015 and every year around the spring. It involves a Japan Run, which is a 4 mile run around Manhattan and stops back at the Japan Day booths in Central park. There are various activities to do and food tents to try for free. They also have musicians, artists, martial arts, and various other groups and ensembles that play so it’s really a great opportunity for New Yorkers to experience some Japanese culture. Please check out the Youtube video above to watch a summary of the days event activities and also I posted below the 2014 NYC AKB-48 Koisuru Fortune Cookie dance as extra. 😀

NYC Japanese #1 – [Kenka!] ニューヨークのご紹介させ第一店[ケンカ!」

I thought it’s been a while since I’ve introduce some places in NYC for people who want to check out and learn some Japanese while experiencing Japanese culture. I think I’ll post places that I’ve gone too and want to recommend including things like Japanese ramen shops, izayakas, restaurants and tea shops and interesting gift and book stores so I hope everyone is looking forward to it.


south street seaport superdry

そう、それはSuperdry Store 極度乾燥(しなさい)と書いています。あいゆう所何て驚いてるね!

Above is a picture of the Superdry Store in the South Street Seaport, which the brand has gotten incredibly popular in the US recently. I believe they are a England based company that is inspired from Japanese artwork. I just thought it was amazing to see Japanese now walking in the streets of nyc.


The first place is probably not one of the most “family-oriented” place to check out in NYC, but the fact that it is an izakaya would typically mean it’s not family friendly since it’s a bar. But this place is somewhere even Japanese people would probably consider a little “grotesque” and not your typical run of the mill izakayas. However, looking past the raunchous menu of bull penises and turkey testicles, it’s actually a nice place with one of the BEST prices for drinks in NYC. If you are looking to have a good night out and drink sake/sapporo all night this place has one of the best deals for drinks in NYC by far. Typical prices in the city range from $6 to $10 a bottle of beer, at kenka it’s a 32 oz mug for $5 sapporo, you cannot beat that anywhere. If you don’t like beer, they have a huge selection of sake and also chuhai. The food is good, I haven’t tried out the “specialties” yet but the typical dishes are like udon, ramen, tonkatsu, they have good okonomiyaki, takoyaki, curry, and other dishes.


下はケンカスペシャルと書いて「牛のちんこと」bull penis とか「豚の脳みそ」pork brain と「出し巻きたまご」Japanese egg、あれ普通じゃない笑。試した事がないけどまた有機があればちょっとだけ食べてみたいけれど。

















[ENGLISH SUBTITLES] Kyary Pamyu Pamyu Jonetsu Tairiku Complete

Everyone I have finished subbing the long awaited Kyary Pamyu Pamyu Jonetsu Tairiku video!

Yatta! It took forever because I took a break after finishing up 80% of it and then having to study for my exams and such.  I will go over and revise the timing and better fix up the translation when I get more time but for now everyone enjoy.

2014 Wrap Up 2014年のお仕舞い












I hope everyone’s had a great year, I will wrap this up quickly but I just wanted to thank everyone who has come and viewed my blog. I didn’t expect anyone to even be reading this or watching my translated youtube videos but with over 1 million combined views, I think it is a cause for celebration. I will continue to improve on my Japanese and will definitely continue to translate and upload more videos. I’ve gotten tons of books, reading material, and non English videos from the Japanese video store here that I’d like to introduce to everyone studying Japanese or just interested in Japanese culture so I will hopefully get time to go through it all.

Finally, I’d like to leave you all with a famous Japanese song from Nagabushi Tsuyoshi長渕 剛 called Kanpai(1988) to finish this year off and hope to see you all again in 2015!


Learning Kanji the Easy Way 漢字の簡単な覚える方法


皆さん、中々お久しぶりです! 長い間ブログに投稿させなくてすみません。


そのアップは何!? Kanji-Senpaiと呼ばれました!

それと「A Guide to Remembering Japanese Characters」も使えばきっと前より漢字はもっと楽しくなています。




Hi everyone, it’s been a while!

Sorry for the long break. Of course I haven’t forgotten to study Japanese but it’s been difficult to get through all the JLPT2 Kanji by rote memorizing.  However, luckily I have found a great app that will hopefully  make memorizing Japanese vocabulary and characters much easier!  I’m going to introduce to you guys something I’ve been using these last few months called Kanji Senpai! Of course, don’t just use that to remember words, I also recommend getting the book “A Guide to Remembering Japanese Characters” as that will help you with remember particles and break down the characters.  Also, for Kanji Senpai if you really want to practice drawing the characters sorry but you have to pay for each lesson and they break down the lessons into JLPT section. I have paid for JLPT 2 N-1,N-2 and JLPT 3 N1 to practice but if you can’t afford it, please just use the free version it has no audio and Kanji writing but it’s still useful. Good luck with your studies everyone, I will continue to post more and look forward to my new blog posts on NYC Japanese cultures with Japanese stores around NY-NJ area.


kanji_senpai_2 kanji_senpai_1

guide to remember japanese_1


[ENGLISH SUBTITLES] Miura Asami水卜麻美 Hokkaido Food Exhibition

Hi everyone, I’ve finally finished subbing this video I’ve been watching from Miura Asami on Hokkaido food exhibit.

It’s kind of short and cut off, only 11 minutes or so but there’s a lot of delicious Japanese Hokkaido food including

hotate帆立(scallops), kinkiキンキ魚(fish), bota ebiボタエビ(prawn), date ichigo伊達イチゴ(strawberry), buta豚(pork), tomorokoshiトウモロコシ(corn), lots of gyokai魚介/umi no sachi海の幸 (seafood), so it’s a Japanese lesson in food and high quality koukyu高級 food.

Think of this like a lesson on culture and Japanese language with lots of goodies involved.
Hope everyone enjoys, I’ve been starting Aikido 合気道 so I will be busy on my free time with some Japanese martial arts but I will also try to sub the Kyary Pamyu Pamyu video everyone has been requesting on called Kyary Pamyu Pamyu Jonetsu-Tairiku (Complete Ver.)

I also want to add in more blogs on NYC as well and comics, which I may do when I have time.


End of 2013 Best Japanese Apps and Sites Review 2013年のベストアプリ

christmas tree with presents

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas everyone!



Lately, it’s been winter vacation so has everyone been going out? Have you been giving gifts to people? For me, I had to give a gift for a “secret santa” event, where we just get gifts from unopened package we don’t know what is in it.


Well for coming to my site this year I’m going to give you guys a special present, my list of top Japanese learning apps and sites I use and recommend!  For anyone that’s learning Japanese, I guarantee you there’s something in there for you that will help you out and improve your Japanese to the next level.  Hope everyone had a great 2013 and lets have a great 2014!


[Android App] JA Sensei – 7.5/10

Personal Review: Good app for the android phone, goes over the basics and lots of vocabulary in various sections useful.  The Kanji stroke is useful for practicing writing Kanji.  The lack of detail and explanation will leave you looking to clueless on where to start studying from so best to use this as a reference on top of a textbook.

Pros: Breaks down vocabulary into different types(animals, sports, town), quizzes that let you favorite things you got wrong, counters, Kanji stroke and instant drawing, large vocabulary listing based off grade level, useful related words to vocabulary.

Cons: Costs money for app, no sentence examples for vocabulary, all Japanese verbs group together, hard to navigate from section to section, examples weak with lack of explanation, rote memorizing with lack of images or explanation.


[Android App] JED – Japanese Dictionary 8.5/10

Personal Review: JED Japanese dictionary is essential for any English learning with an android smart phone.  Unlike Google translate that requires internet connection, this app is offline and is fast with great examples and conjugation listing and tags.  Would highly recommend this with addition to another learning app.

Pros: Free app, fast, very large dictionary database, good deal of English translated sentence examples, verb conjugation listing, Kanji radical/grade level/code/JLPT for memorizing and find words, allows copying sentences and Kanji easily, and tagging/history make finding past words easy.

Cons:   No Kanji stroke animation, more a dictionary than useful guide for learning Japanese, no images/audio

kotobachan1 kotobachan2

[Android App] Kotoba-Chan 8/10

Personal Review:  The best app I’ve found for looking at great sentence examples for studying words, it has stoplight color-coded words for level mastery.  I would recommend this app for anyone who wanting to become proficient in Japanese and read Japanese newspaper or take JLPT exam.

Pros: Free app, fast, sorted by JLPT/common words, good for testing and memorizing words, tests words not mastered, fantastic quality of sentences and translation.

Cons:  No Kanji study guide, no explanation of grammar, lack of audio/visual.


[Website] 9.5/10

Personal Review:  Need an ebook? This site is the best for downloading audio and ebooks of textbook material for free.

Pros: Lots of ebooks and audio books to download including famous ones like Minna no Nihongo.

Cons:  Vietnamese links? Nothing else to complain about.


[Website] 8/10

Personal Review:  Very detailed website for English learners of Japanese.  Full of great content and is an ebook as well so this would be a great introduction to learning Japanese with the app it provides, as well as youtube channel and introduction material.   Material lacking for advanced students and those studying Kanji or more in depth vocabulary of sentences.

Pros: Free ebook, app, youtube channel, lots of material that is comprehensive, great beginner guide

Cons:  No audio, few visuals, lack of forum or discussion board, hard to navigate


[Website] 10/10

Personal Review:  By far the most entertaining site I’ve come across.  It is not only completely useful for beginners from watching beginner video skits and advanced skits to following and reading the manga, culture quizzes, interactive vocabulary with photos/audio, and tests for understanding grammar.  This is a site I highly recommend for any Japanese learner.

Pros: Free site, high school video skits featuring popular Japanese cast, tests, interactive vocabulary with picture and audio, very detailed culture quizzes, manga with audio, 25 lessons with beginner and advanced, and key phrases.

Cons:  Java based


[Website] 9.5/10

Personal Review:  One of the most helpful Japanese teachers online.  Unlike other sites that just provide content, maggiesensei responds to her comments and discussions while providing a personal Japanese touch to everything she is teaching.  This is a site I highly recommend to learn more in depth Japanese that isn’t just in textbooks.

Pros: Free site, funny and cute photos, great comment section and responses, audio for sentences, easy to navigate and find content, very detailed and helpful explanations.

Cons:  Video content would be a bonus.

[ENGLISH SUBTITLES] Kyary Pamyu Pamyu meets Katy Perry

This is a short post but I have re-uploaded and added caption to the video “Kyary Pamyu Pamyu meets Katy Perry”.

They actually met up to do a performance on November 1st, 2013 for Japan’s Music Station television program.   So the program had Katy Perry and Kyary Pamyu Pamyu as well as with notable Japan megastars AKB-48 and worldwide boy band One Direction.  I have the full HD video of Music Station video if anyone is interested, but it’s long so I’m not sure if I want to sub it.  Short blog but next post will finally be my Japanese app reviews on the Android OS.



Winter Updates

Hello everyone! Hope everyone is well!! 皆さんさしぶり!ごきげんよ!I have been away for a while learning more Japanese culture, studying via culture groups, and chat clubs, apps, and meeting various people while working.  I’ve attended the Japan Society in NY, Japanese Culture Group Meetup, my University Japanese Chat club, and want to check out Tenri Culture Institute for special seminars on traditional Japanese zen sounds and Tea-making.  I’m currently practicing Iaido (form of Budo training in the Japanese Katana) which is a sort of contemporary Japanese sword martial art.

Iaido (居合道 Iaidō?), abbreviated with iai (居合?),[3] is a modern Japanese martial art/sport[4]

Iaido is associated with the smooth, controlled movements of drawing the sword from its scabbard or saya, striking or cutting an opponent, removing blood from the blade, and then replacing the sword in the scabbard.[1] While new practitioners of iaido[5] may start learning with a wooden sword (bokken) depending on the teaching style of a particular instructor, most of the practitioners use the blunt edged sword, called iaitō.[6] Few, more experienced, iaido practitioners use a sharp edged sword (shinken).[7]

Practitioners of iaido are often referred to as iaidoka.[8]


A few photos of what iaido looks like below.  The man is doing tamashigiri, which is using a live blade to cut the bamboo.  2nd, Obviously you need a attractive girl that’s badass. ;p

iaido_man iaido_woman


Also for what I’m looking to do, I want to take some time to give my reviews on apps so I will be starting a new section called the “Japanese Learning Tool Reviews” which will be giving my opinion on various websites out there that are free/paid and offer Japanese lessons that I have tested and reviewed with screenshots and my 1 to 5 star opinion with costs.

I will also include various apps like Rosetta Stone review and android/OS apps as well.  The first I will recommend will be coming shortly sometime.  おすすめのアップはこちらについて。。



[Grammar – Compound] Learning English and Japanese together 両方 and,and,and

This is a multi-part weekly section on learning grammar because I think a lot of times my grammar needs to be improved and Japanese find it harder to master English grammar as well.

Tae-Kim’s Learning Japanese is a great guide for grammar to follow and I will take time to go through parts that I want to learn and go over.




First go over the beginning guide for Japanese verb conjugation(食べる、食べます、食べない、食べません、食べませんでした) and the special cases (いく、する、くる)

Today’s grammar will be on Compound, connection words together in both Japanese and English.

“It is very easy to combine a chain of nouns and adjectives to describe a person or object. For example, in English if we wanted to say, “He is X. He is Y. He is Z.” since all three sentences have the same noun, we would usually say, “He is X, Y, and Z.” In Japanese, we can do the same thing by conjugating the noun or adjective. The last noun or adjective remains the same as before.


How to chain nouns and adjectives together

  • For nouns and na-adjectives: Attach 「で」 to the noun or na-adjective.

  • Examples

    1. 一般的 → 一般的で

    2. 静か → 静かで

  • For i-adjectives and negative noun/adjectives: Replace the 「い」 with 「くて」.

  • ※For 「いい」 and 「かっこいい」, the 「い→よ」 exception applies here as well.

  • Examples

    1. 狭い → 狭くて

    2. 彼女じゃない → 彼女じゃなくて

    3. いい → よくて

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戻りました!Fall/Winter 2013 Schedule/ 秋と冬のスケジュール

Hi everyone, I’m back to making more blog posts now after taking a short break due to a change in my work/life.

I didn’t expect to have so many viewers with the Kyary Kyary Pamyu Pamyu video, over 12k in a month!

So I’ve decided to continue my Japanese studies and help everyone learning this season on my 3 greatest weaknesses.

1) Advanced grammar – なされる、してもしなくても、では、に

2) Japanese History/Figures – studying Japanese art, monuments, locations and words

3) Kanji (always) – better techniques, books, apps, blogs to study and read Kanji

I think this will help anyone studying on the JLPT as well, since any learning is helpful.

So the list of projects I want to work on this season include:
1) Subtitling one of my new favorite Japanese TV Show I watched called “Youは何しに日本へ” or “Why did you come to Japan?”

2) Study and write blogs about various parts of Japan and its culture.  For instance, pick a few places I’ve heard from friends like Hokkaido北海度, Aomori青森, Osaka 大阪 and study some of the culture of the city.

3) Was interested in learning about Japanese cooking 和食、Kendo県土, Bushido武士道, Japanese tea ceremony 茶の優 so I will study, post videos and such.

4) More Japanese songs and comics and finish up JLPT 3 lessons to start the JLPT2.

I may not get to all of these things, but those are my goals for this blog.

Thanks for checking out my blog.








Hi everyone, sorry for the delay but I have finished translating the Kyary Pamyu Pamyu World Tour 100% documentary into English.

It was a tough project since I never translated anything before and there were parts where I didn’t understand what they were saying so I may have just guessed what I heard.  I think it was a great learning experience for me as someone who is still learning Japanese.  I spent almost a good month on it and have many vocabulary words to teach, which I plan on writing as a blog post in the future.  I also have the subtitle files if anyone needs.

I hope everyone enjoys the subtitles and if there is anything wrong with the timing, sync, translations please let me know!

[English Subtitles] Kyary Pamyu Pamyu 100% KPP WORLD TOUR in USA Project

Hi everyone! I am writing here to let you know I have received a bunch of requests from English viewers to subtitle the Kyary Pamyu Pamyu World Tour video into English.

This is my first time doing translations so this will definitely be an interesting experience, but I’d like to apologize in advance if anything I write makes no sense.

I translate into English with a style of staying as close to what they are saying in Japanese word by word but in a grammatically correct English format.

I will copy and paste the srt and timing as I go through.


The video got removed so I will reupload it and add captions  myself.

[JAPANESE TEST] JLPT N3 問題2 聴解と問題1の正答Listening Comprehension & Answers

Part 2 of a 4 part series for JLPT listening comprehension. Read the question first, then prepare to listen for the answer.

Don’t worry if you do don’t know some words, just look them up later but focus on the answer.  Next, follow along with the dialog and understand what the dialog is trying to say.

Let’s see how well you did for the first part of the exam.


1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 4 1 2 3 2

問題2-1番 Audio



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[NYC Culture] July 4th Hot Dog Eating Contest Kobashi vs Chestnut

Hi everyone, hope your studies are doing well.


Today I will be writing an article about America’s Independence Day(July 4th).


The history of Independence Day goes back to the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776 from Great Britain.


” Independence Day is commonly associated with fireworks, parades, barbecues, carnivals, fairs, picnics, concerts, baseball games, family reunion, and political speeches and ceremonies, in addition to various other public and private events celebrating the history, government, and traditions of the United States. ” – wikipedia


I will be covering the annual Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating contest here in Coney Island.  Takeru Kobayashi nicknamed the Tsunami was the official Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest Winner from 2001-2006 until Joey Chestnut came and took over since 2007-now.  Kobayashi has not participated since 2009 due to a contract dispute.




However he has an unofficial hot dog eating contest at the Eventi Hotel( 851 6th Avenue, New York, NY) this year.

でも、今日小林伊はNathanのエベントと同じ時Eventi Hotel で早食い選手権があった。

Joey Chestnut ジョーイ・チェスナット

6-foot-tall (1.8 m), 218-pound (99 kg)


Takeru Kobayashi 小林尊

5-foot-8 in tall (1.73 m), 135-pound (58 kg)

Todays Winnnner iiisss

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